Acne skincare regimen
Everyone’s skin is truly unique! This can be a challenge when creating your personal skincare regimen. Our dermatologist’s weigh in on the basics to keep in mind:
1. Start simple. Begin with a gentle cleanser and moisturizer both morning and nighttime. Epionce Gentle Cleanser or CeraVe Hydrating cleanser are good options. CeraVe PM is one of our all-time favorite moisturizers for acne-prone skin.
2. Once that regimen is going well, consider adding a retinoid at nighttime. Either Differin gel (OTC) or an Rx strength tretinoin. Apply a pea sized amount all over your face at nighttime and follow with moisturizer.
3. If you have really oily skin, or feel you need the next step we suggest Epionce Lytic Gel cleanser once daily to help break up acne promoting oils.
4. Still breaking out after 6-8 weeks of the above regimen? We’d love to chat! Submit your online visit for personalized skincare regimens involving prescription therapies.