Easy bruising?
As we age our skin thins, making it easier to tear or bruise. Years of ultraviolet light exposure have broken down the supportive collagen that makes skin resilient and robust. Blood thinners can worsen the situation further. There are several treatments our dermatologists find effective:
1. Arnica cream, available OTC. This can help more quickly absorb a bruise.
2. DerMend moisturizer, also available OTC. These moisturizers contain vitamins which help thicken the dermis when used longterm.
3. Prescription strength tretinoin. The same tretinoin we use for wrinkles can be used in this situation as well. Tretinoin encourages new collagen growth, thereby thickening the dermis of the skin making the skin more resistant to bumps and scrapes.
If you or your loved one are suffering with this forearm bruising, submit your online consult today for a prescription sent to your doorstep.